Scale-Up - User centered mobility

The city of Turku is a partner in the Horizon 2020 project called SCALE-UP (Scale up user-Centric and dAta driven SoLutions for ConnEcted Urban Poles), i.e. the expansion of user-oriented data-based solutions in regional traffic nodes. The main leader of the project is the city of Antwerp. In addition to the urban areas of Turku and Antwerp, the project also includes the urban area of ​​Madrid. Partner implementers of the Turku complex are Varsinais-Suomen liitto, Turku University of Applied Sciences and Vinka oy.

Project duration 1 June 2021 - 31 May 2025.

Benefits and goals

The main goal of SCALE-UP is to develop scaleble data-based and user-centered strategies to accelerate smart, clean and inclusive mobility in regional traffic nodes. The project contributes to the achievement of climate goals and European transport policy goals.

The three cities of Antwerp, Madrid and Turku are implementing 28 innovative measures in five different operational areas: administration, mobility points, data, clean and safe transport, and mobility behaviour. The project aims to scale measures regionally, nationally and internationally, i.e. to pilot and replicate working solutions.

Turku's measures in the project