Cultural services for immigrants

The City of Turku’s Recreation Division participates in the creation of a multicultural Turku by means of different activities: plays at Turku City Theatre, concerts by Turku Philharmonic Orchestra, various events arranged in the Turku City Library and exhibitions at different museums.

The City of Turku’s Recreation Division's cultural services focuses especially on the consideration of the needs of ethnical minorities, different language groups as well as immigrants.

Multicultural activities:

•to support immigrants in the process of integration and in maintaining their own culture

•give information about different cultures – inform the immigrants about the culture and history of Finland and likewise inform the Finnish people about different countries and immigrants

•promote the dialogue between different cultures

•cooperate with immigrant associations, friendship associations and other associations working with international affairs and with the authorities.

Responsible organisation: 

Turun kaupunki, vapaa-aikatoimiala
Target audience: 
Service classification: